TechCom offers a wide array of IT placement services including Staff Augmentation, Permanent placement and Outsourcing to clients. Our expertise in IT staffing and our ability to efficiently fulfill the needs of applicants is well known in the IT industry. We know that for IT professionals it is highly competitive to find a suitable employment. We promise to find you the best position within a short period. We handle the entire process from interviewing, screening, testing and qualifying according to our clients requirement.
$objdb_function = new db_functions();
$establish=new connection(); ?>
Sl.No |
Job Code |
Job Title |
Posting Date |
No Of Vacancies |
Location |
Closing Date |
$lnsno = 0;
$msSQL = "select
job_gid, sl_no, job_code, job_title,
posting_date, closing_date, positions_available,
location, display_flag
display_flag = 'Y'";
$msSQL = $msSQL . " and (job_title LIKE '%$_POST[txt_search]%'";
$msSQL = $msSQL . " or job_detail like '%$_POST[txt_search]%')";
$rs_job = mysql_query($msSQL,$establish->link); ?>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs_job)) {
$arrposting_date = explode("-",$row['posting_date']);
$lsposting_date = $arrposting_date[2]."-".$arrposting_date[1]."-".$arrposting_date[0];
$arrclosing_date = explode("-",$row['closing_date']);
$lsclosing_date = $arrclosing_date[2]."-".$arrclosing_date[1]."-".$arrclosing_date[0];
$lnsno = $lnsno + 1;?>
} ?>